(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
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Random shit. Now and then... language related topics.
Damn you heathen! Your book learnin' has done warped your mind. You shall not be invited next time I sacrifice a goat.
Do You Have Biblical Morals?
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Organizar, dirigir e executar atividades referentes à formulação e execução de políticas institucionais de gestão da educação, gestão de programas, gestão da avaliação de cursos e programas; planejamento financeiro, elaboração e execução orçamentária, controle da situação financeira e patrimonial; controle contábil financeiro, liberação de recursos, análise e aprovação de prestações de contas; gestão de pessoas, de materiais, de recursos informatizados, do processo produtivo; organização e realização de licitações; realização de pesquisas de mercado, apoio no desenvolvimento mercadológico de novos programas, divulgação e promoção dos programas e atividades da CAPES, comunicação interna e externa; e executar as demais atividades definidas em normas da CAPES.
ScienceDaily (Feb. 12, 2009) — Children who convey more meanings with gestures at age 14 months have much larger vocabularies at 54 months than children who convey fewer meanings and are accordingly better prepared for school, according to research at the University of Chicago published in the journal Science on Friday, Feb. 13.
You Try to Live on 500K in This Town
Published: February 6, 2009
PRIVATE school: $32,000 a year per student.
Mortgage: $96,000 a year.
Co-op maintenance fee: $96,000 a year.
Nanny: $45,000 a year.
We are already at $269,000, and we haven’t even gotten to taxes yet.
Five hundred thousand dollars — the amount President Obama wants to set as the top pay for banking executives whose firms accept government bailout money — seems like a lot, and it is a lot. To many people in many places, it is a princely sum to live on. But in the neighborhoods of New York City and its suburban enclaves where successful bankers live, half a million a year can go very fast.
Great list from Hugh MacLeod, at gapingvoid.com:
-Getting people to pay $4 for a cup of coffee started off as an act of futility.
-Getting people to give up their horses en masse in exchange for an internal combustion engine started off as an act of futility.
-Getting people to pay for software without any hardware attached to it started off as an act of futility.
-Building a multi-million dollar cottage industry using nothing but blog advertising started off as an act of futility.
-Writing a children's book about wizards in an Edinburgh coffee shop started off as an act of futility.
-Trying to halt the Nazi invasion using nothing but Spitfires started off as an act of futility.
-Stopping the largest army the world had ever seen with just a small phalanx of 300 Spartans started off as an act of futility.
-Trying to blow up the Death Star using nothing but thirty X-Wing fighters started off as an act of futility.
-Convincing the USA to elect an African-American as their President started off as an act of futility.